Sunday, September 20, 2015

4 Advantages of Having a Mentor

Years ago I hit a wall.  I couldn’t see it but I knew it was there. I felt like a hamster in a wheel. I was stagnant.  Going nowhere.  I had pushed myself as far as I could go on my own. I was afraid in 30 years I would still be the same.  If you're like me admitting this goes against the grain of being a self made man. But I was desperate and swallowed my pride. I sought after someone who had been in my shoes. Who had been in my situation and broken through this invisible wall. I needed a mentor.
Asking for help was difficult for me but it was the best decision I ever made.  In fact as of right now I have 3 mentors. One each for a particular area in my life. I'm not talking about "life coaching".  That always seemed a little vague to me.  I didn’t need Dr. Phil or Oprah.  I needed mentors that specifically have had great success in their field. My goals matched to their achievements.  Since that day my whole life changed and a great burden has been lifted. I can never explain to you the tremendous benefits of having a mentor. No one is a self-made success. It's simply impossible.  Let me show you why.

On the left is the learning curve of you with a mentor.  Imagine your path is clearly lit. The thickets have been cleared.  Stepping stones are laid in front of you.  You can see your destination. On the right is you without a mentor. There is no clear path. You have to fight the brambles alone. You're unsure of your steps.  It's impossible to see your destination. You are blind and will continue to make mistakes over and over. Having a mentor is the ultimate life experience.  Here are just 4 advantages.

     1.  He Knows Where You Are. After all he's been there. It's impossible for you to see yourself objectively. Your mentor does. He measures your progress and makes adjustments along the way. He won't coddle you or blow smoke up your ass. If you need pampering call your mother.

     2.   He can see undiscovered strengths as well as weaknesses. He will help you replace old bad habits with good ones. Your mentor can show you a different perspective in how you think. He will instill in you greater confidence and self-esteem.
     3.  Your mentor is a great source of encouragement. You will make mistakes along the way and may feel awkward at times.  He sees your struggles. It's perfectly normal in your growth process. He will reassure you and get you back on track.

     4.  Your mentor has clout and connections. (My favorite)  He can open doors for you that otherwise would never open on your own.  He can introduce you to colleagues in his circle of influence. After all luck is simply when your preparation meets an opportunity.  This alone gives you a much greater advantage over your peers.

I'm sure there are many more but these four had the greatest impact in my life.  Hopefully by now you're at least a little curious and wonder what your next step may be. The important thing is to define your goals. What skills do you have that might need sharpening to achieve them?  Is there someone you admire and respect who is successful in the same area? If you do then you're off to a good start. Your mentor need not be a one on one relationship. Social media and the internet give you a tremendous advantage over someone 30 years ago. Use it.

I want you to burn that infograph into your mind. A week or a month from now will you be the one on the left or on the right?  I hope you choose wisely.





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